Tuesday, December 16, 2008

8 Favorite TV Shows

1. Bones
2. House
3. Animal Cops.
4. The OC - (reruns) :(
5. LMN
6. Prison Break
7. Wife Swap
8. The Biggest Looser

8 Things I did Yesterday
1. went to work
2. came home and played with Kya
3. took a nap when Kya did
4.washed dishes
5.wrapped some Chirstmas presents.
6.talked on the phone to my good friend Colleenia for a long time
7.played in the snow
8.took a shower

8 things I look forward to:
1. Christmas
2. For the snow to melt
3. For when I don't have to work anymore.
4. New Year's
5. hanging out with my friend Colleenina and her little girl
6. Going to Aaron Lewis concert in Wendover :)
7. for it to get warm again
8. for Twilight to come out on DVD :)

8 Favorite Restaurant
1. Olive Garden
2. Tucanos
3. Red Robin
4. Claim jumper
5. Wingers

8 Things I wish for:
1. that i could cook good
2. i had lots of money
3. i didn't have to work
4. it wasn't winter
5. that my car was paid off ( it will be soon!!)
6. that I had a bigger car

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