Sunday, April 5, 2009

Yes, I know I am really bad at this. I promise I will try harder to keep it updated. I think once summer gets here I will have more to write about. Nothing has been going on at all. We are heading to Moab this weekend so that should be fun. Tyler has made a lot of changes to his truck. I will have to post some pictures of it when I get a chance. It is really cool and he has worked really hard on it and for many weeks. So, I hope nothing breaks on it.

See, I told you I was boring. That is all I have to write about. Hopefully I will get some cool pictures in Moab!

Oh, one more thing. I was just reminising when I used to go to the park for the Easter Egg Hunt and how much fun it was. Sometimes I wish I was a kid again.


Tiff@ny said...

Patti! Your little girl is so freaking cute. How have you been? Are you guys in Heber? It is so good to be able to keep in touch with you again.

Patti and Tyler said...
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